Category Matthew

929 and Isaiah 53

In June this year, I attended a seminar presentation about the Scriptures hosted by the Council of Christians and Jews NSW. The venue was a hall of the Great Synagogue, Elizabeth Street, Sydney. Two presentations were given. The first by…

It just happened no 3

In early late January and early February 2011, two cyclones bore down upon the Queensland coast. Cyclone Yasi was the largest storm in the State’s history and much larger than the other cyclone, which led the Premier to describe them…

Flame of Fire

The Hebrew language can have some curious links which are obscured in English bible translations. The burning bush is one example with the word ‘flame – labba‘, which seems to have a cognate link with the word for ‘heart’. “And the…

Descended into hell

Reading around in preparation for Good Friday I returned to this old chestnut debate – the phrase ‘he descended into hell’ which we used to say in the Apostles’ Creed using the book known as AAPB (An Australian Prayer Book).…