Category 2 Peter

Watkins on Time

My Spin cycle classes run for 45 minutes. But, as I sweat and struggle my way through a one minute sprint, I always find it helpful when the instructor informs us that there are just 15 seconds to go. A…

Gospel Coalition

I was browsing the web last night. I have a few go to Christian sites that I like to look at. Actually, as one browses the web there are hundreds and thousands, or rather, hundreds of millions, as we all…

The Identity of Evil

Preaching through the Storm is a book by H. Beecher Hicks Jnr which I stumbled across a few decades ago. It’s based around a series of sermons through times of crisis and there were some parts that were so refreshing when…

Preparing to preach on 2 Peter

I’m beginning a new series on the 2nd letter of Peter. As I do, I throw a few reflections down about issues raised along the way. 1 Commentaries I’ve picked up a couple of commentaries which were recommended. One by…