Category Psalms

Here is Wisdom

Last Saturday, 6th May 2023, was the coronation service for King Charles III. Along with millions of people around the globe, I watched as the Bible was presented to the King. It brought to life what I have read in…

Anne Frank looks up

This evening I read Psalm 84 as part of a prayer for a brother who was experiencing great discouragement. My friend’s experience has been constant over many years. “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are…

Divine transport

Last Sunday (19 Feb 2023) I began my sermon with reference to an ABC news report about the absence of Southerly Busters coming to Sydney over the past 14 months. I used this as an illustration to introduce Jesus words…

Watkins on Time

My Spin cycle classes run for 45 minutes. But, as I sweat and struggle my way through a one minute sprint, I always find it helpful when the instructor informs us that there are just 15 seconds to go. A…

Flame of Fire

The Hebrew language can have some curious links which are obscured in English bible translations. The burning bush is one example with the word ‘flame – labba‘, which seems to have a cognate link with the word for ‘heart’. “And the…

She Crushed his head

“But Jael, Heber’s wife, picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove (taqa’) the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died.” (Judges 4:21). In my last post…