Category 2 Samuel

A woman’s wit

I read Bishop Hall’s reflection on 2 Samuel 17, verses 15-20, and I was struck first by his vivid description of the woman’s action, and second by the archaic word ‘bewray’ (meaning betray): “Jonathan and Ahimaaz are sent, descried, pursued,…

Bahurim – 2 Samuel 16:5

“When King David came to Bahurim…” (2 Samuel 16:5)            The significance of the location of the cursing of David by Shimei is, by and large, overlooked by commentators. If a comment is made about the town, it is usually an…

Moses struck the rock

“And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, Because you did not believe in me to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I…

Flame of Fire

The Hebrew language can have some curious links which are obscured in English bible translations. The burning bush is one example with the word ‘flame – labba‘, which seems to have a cognate link with the word for ‘heart’. “And the…