A New World

You have probably heard of Wordle which has become a very popular puzzle in 2022. But have you heard of Worldle? It involves a shape of a country coming up on the screen and then working out which country or…

Palm Sunday – Coming to Jerusalem

“And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.” (Luke 19:28). I’m writing on 24th March 2022. I note that because it was exactly 20 years ago today that I heard a stirring sermon on…

Standing at the Crossroads

“This is what the LORD says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for you souls.” (Jeremiah 6:16 NIV 1984.) Decisions…

Preparing to preach on 2 Peter

I’m beginning a new series on the 2nd letter of Peter. As I do, I throw a few reflections down about issues raised along the way. 1 Commentaries I’ve picked up a couple of commentaries which were recommended. One by…

Love is waiting

“As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept.” (Matthew 25:5). This verse is in the middle of the parable of the ten virgins. Jesus refers to the reality of there being a delay before the bridegroom returns.…

Consider the ravens

Consider the ravens. (Luke 12:23). I’ll never forget the day that I first preached on Luke 12 at St Stephens. It was February 2003. Five minutes before the service began my son informed me that there was a dead crow…

Bootes Void to Spiegel

Bootes Void At the end of 2020 I preached on Zechariah 1:7-21. I introduced the sermon with reference to Bootes void which is a giant hole in the universe some 350 million light years across, a place where galaxies are…

Sailing, Stars and the Sovereign

“Pleiades and Orion mark the beginning and end of the sailing season.”  So writes Bob Fyall in his Christian Focus commentary on Amos 5:8. In my last post I referred to this verse and it stirred me to research a…