Tag Michael Bird

Luke on God and Money

“Luke writes about wealth as if dollar bills should come with an alert, “WARNING: Money may erode your character, endanger your safety, and impair your eternal destiny.” Riches are like swimming in an ocean with a big weight around your…

Descended to the Dead

I wrote last week about the line in the Apostles’ Creed: ‘Descended to the dead’ (or hell). I’ve since read an article on The Gospel Coalition site by Matt Emerson about the debate. Like I did, Emerson also refers to…

Descended into hell

Reading around in preparation for Good Friday I returned to this old chestnut debate – the phrase ‘he descended into hell’ which we used to say in the Apostles’ Creed using the book known as AAPB (An Australian Prayer Book).…

Bird Reviews

So after posting my short review on Michael Bird’s ‘Evangelical Theology’ 2nd Edition, I had a quick glance at some reviews. Well, suffice to say that Bird would need to have a hippo’s thick skin if he was going to…

Evangelical Theology

One of the biggest frustrations that I had when I studied Theology back in the late 80s and early 1990s, was finding material for preparing essays on Doctrine and Theology. There were a number of books and systematic theologies around…