Category Bible

Feasting on 2 Samuel 11

“But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD” (2 Samuel 11:27) Last post I had some criticism of a devotional commentary on 2 Samuel 11. John Woodhouse has a long, detailed analysis of this chapter and, by the…

Preaching 2 Samuel 11

Preaching on 2 Samuel 11-12. David and Bathsheba. The current passage of study is 2 Samuel 11. Now when it comes to the story of David in the books of Samuel this is one that everyone is familiar with. I’ve…

Marching in Spring?

“In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle…” (2 Samuel 11:1, ESV). The opening of 2 Samuel 11 looks simple enough in most English translations, but a closer look at the Hebrew reveals some…

The Archbishop-elected!

On this date, 6th May, one year ago I was sitting in the final gathering of our Sydney Anglican Election Synod as our Archbishop-elect, Kanishka Raffel, shared these words of the apostle Paul from 1 Corinthians 3:5-9:  “What then is…

Psalms forever!

Andrew Shead spoke on the book of Psalms at the Annual CMS conference this year. I liked this exhortation to spur us on to read and sing the Psalms: “In many churches the Psalms are read or sung every Sunday,…

Augustine’s Question

Augustine asked God, ‘What am I to you that you command me to love you, and that, if I fail to love you, you are angry with me and threaten me with vast miseries?” (Quoted by Ray Ortlund, Proverbs, p…