It just happened no 2

At first I might call these posts ‘Coincidences and Connections’ or C & C…but, as I came to this 2nd instance (as well as the Ruth 2:3 in post 1), I’ve felt that: ‘It just happened’ seems to capture it.

The reason for the change of name was that the visit to the Churchill War Rooms (last post) reminded me of another incident. I looked it up in my diary and sure enough – there was another little happening.

I visited the War Rooms on 2nd August 2019. You had to book and were given a specific time to enter. I picked up some food and was a few minutes early and so sat on the ‘Clive Steps’ on King Charles Steps which are next to the entry. On the following day, 3rd August 2019, I watched the movie ‘Christopher Robin’ with our family. It starred Ewan McGregor and was a sweet version of the whole Winnie-the-Pooh theme and the Dad who has all the work stresses and demands and issues that life brings. The Dad is drawn to consider ‘what really counts’. I have to admit that I’ve forgotten almost the entire movie and even these notes from my diary don’t ring much of a bell.

But there was this one recollection. In the final scene, the Dad comes up to his daughter sitting on some steps in London. When I watched the movie I could hardly believe what I was seeing. I was sure that I had sat on the very same steps only the day before. It was this strange experience of just watching a movie and then identifying with something very unexpectedly: ‘I’m sure that’s where I was sitting only yesterday as I ate my lunch’. The film did not pan around so you couldn’t tell easily where it was located – but I was sure it was the same spot. When the film finished I looked it up and, sure enough, that was the location shot – right opposite St James’ Park.

I know that there are plenty of films set in locations so, of course, these things happen. But, it was such a surprise when it did ‘just happen’ for me back then. As Pooh said in the film: ‘Nothing is impossible…’

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