Category Psalms

Leithart on the heart

I’ve been preparing a sermon on Romans 6 this week. The baptism language of Paul (6:1-4) drew me to read Peter Leithart’s book on ‘Baptism – A Guide to Life from Death‘ (2021). It’s a great little read on the…

Psalms forever!

Andrew Shead spoke on the book of Psalms at the Annual CMS conference this year. I liked this exhortation to spur us on to read and sing the Psalms: “In many churches the Psalms are read or sung every Sunday,…

The Lord is my Rock

“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge…” The late Pastor-author Eugene Peterson has some typically delightful commentary on these words: “The single most characteristic thing about David…

Imagination and Conceivability

I came across this fascinating little footnote in Graham Cole’s ‘God the Peacemaker‘ book. He wrote: “In my view, imagination (at least in part) has to do with our ability to form a mental picture. Conceivability, on the other hand,…

Consider the ravens

Consider the ravens. (Luke 12:23). I’ll never forget the day that I first preached on Luke 12 at St Stephens. It was February 2003. Five minutes before the service began my son informed me that there was a dead crow…