Category Christmas

Greatest Media Launch ever

Here is the 3rd part of the Christmas 2021 sermon: 3rd Trimester: Angelic broadcasts good news of miracle birth (Luke 2:1-20) 3rd trimester…Christmas day arrives. And here we see that the living God of Israel works his creative kingdom design even through…

The Dad who learnt not to box God in

Here’s Part 2 of my Christmas 2021 sermon: 2nd Trimester: Dumb Dad bursts forth in benediction (Luke 1:57-80) Luke doesn’t have us follow Mary home…but instead has us stay with Elizabeth and Zechariah for the birth of John the Baptist. Zechariah…

Nothing is impossible for God

I preached this sermon last Christmas 2021. It is based on Luke 1-2 and divided into three parts…and I’ll post each part over the next 3 posts. Part 1   Mary visits Elizabeth – A visit to the hill country “Greetings, O…