Category Bible

Wonderful Genesis 1 for kids

Following on from the previous post. Here’s a page from the Children’s book ‘Wonderful Earth’. It’s an illustrated book for young children, and none of the other pages has anywhere near as many words as this one. I always need…

Hyper Abundance

“So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good…And God made the beasts…

Worrying Times

I’ve been considering Jesus’ words about worry and anxiety in Luke 12:22-31 this week as I prepare to preach. Anxiety is certainly a modern day concern. I had that confirmed as I read this headline in today’s newspaper: ‘Coping classes’…

Dual Baptism – gospel unity

As an Anglican I have long held to infant baptism (or paedobaptism). But, while I encourage this view, I recognise the differing viewpoint of many of my Baptist brethren who hold to ‘credo baptism’ (the baptism that follows a profession…

Baptism and covenant

In the last post I referred to the book on baptism called ‘Word, Water and Spirit’ by J Fesko. One of the interesting discussions was around the meaning of grace. Reading Fesko’s analysis about a word that I have often…

The Old 100

Blog post No 100 This is my 100th post on ‘Riding on the Clouds’ and, as such, it’s timely to review this blog and recap some of the experience. ‘Riding on the Clouds’ has been running for almost a year now.…